Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Week 36: Another transfer in Alverca

So the big news for the week is that I will be staying here in alverca
for another transfer with Elder Sutton which will put me here in
alverca for almost 7 MONTHS  it is a dang good thing that I love this
area.  We also got ANOTHER dupla of sisters that are going to be
working in Alverca for this transfer becase Sister Camacho will go
home a little early in this transfer and so they will close the area
when she does but for the majority of the transfer we are going to
have a district of us, the brodericks and 3 sets of sisters.  Talk
about relief society president. this makes me also the leader of the
biggest district in the mission BY FAR.  considering that there is a
full zone that only has one more dupla.

So I had to decided with the APs how we are going to divide up alverca
for the next 5 weeks and that has been a real big problem because it
dose not have a very clear solution, but hopefully what we got drawn
out today will be a good plan and bring us lots of sucess and make the
most out of having so many missionaries in one ward and such a small
area.  All of these changes has make my last two days the longest and
most stressful days of my entire mission so far.  we have been running
around shuffling sisters and their luggage all day on top of trying to
get our own p-day stuff all figured out which we basically just didnt
get anything done. we also have been trying to get all the things that
the sisters will need in their house figured out so that they can make
it work for 4 sisters instead of 2.  anyways my mind is going all over
the place and so we will see what comes out in the letter this week.

That concrete is really cool and you are right that will be really
nice and i am glad that you decided to go for it and also basketball
for dayz!!  also i just read through all the intro and stuff in the
front of the book of mormon because I jst started over this week too!
that is cool that we are in the same spot.  just a different language.

So this week we were able to meet again with a man that I contacted in
the first week with elder sutton here who was an atheist.  We
basically just told him that we wanted to share our beilefs with him
and taught the first lesson.  We then basically lost contact with him.
But the other day I was looking throught the phone and I felt like I
should call him even though it has been a while since I stopped becase
he was not responding.  so i did anyways becuase it felt right and he
answered and told me that he decided to read our pamphlet again and
then decided that he needed to start to read the Bible.  So he was
acutally already getting into luke from starting the new testament.
so then I asked him if he wanted a book of mormon and that is how we
were able to get a meeting with him to give him a copy.  When we say
him he looked like a completly different person becase his face looked
like it was almost glowing becuase of the happiness and hope that
Christ has brought into his life how much more open and humble he was
the second time around.   We then  taught the book of mormon and now
he will start to read the BOM.  I know that as he does that with an
open heart and everything he will beable to know that there really is
a god and that this is his church and all that other stuff is true.  I
love the BOM and I completly trust that it is the most powerful tool
that we have.

I also am well on my way of makeing a goal to convert a preist more or
less..  we have a lady that is a judge and has done all the stuff in
the catholic chruch to be able to teach as a woman and do the
communion and everything which requires years of paying and studying.
but we found her and taught her and she is really firm that she wants
to be baptised and everything.  she has already told her bishop and
they are of course fighting it and everything but we are going to win
because our church is true and the sprit has already told her that.
Also she is a long lost friend of Fernando who alos is a recent
convert from the catholic church.  they have a whole bunch of stuff
that she has to do to be FREE to change her religion which is
completely made up Crap to try to keep her.  also she wants to help
her youngest son get baptised with her and he really was the actual
investigator that we were trying to find when we found her for the
first time. Anyways she has a really awesome stroy that I would love
to tell you more about but for right now I will just go out and work
with her everyday to get her to the water.

I may already have 5 months here but there is alot more work for me to
do.. a lot more sisters to train..  and we are really making progress
with the leadership of the ward trying to really make things happen
here.  I am excited and now Alverca really will be my home here in the

Ola Presidente

Esta semana com os mudanças na área de Alverca vai ser muito
interessante para ver como tudo vai ser para usar esta bênção de mais
missionarias aqui o melhor possível.   Na ala estamos a ver muitos
coisas com o liderança que estão de mudar tudo para melhor e nos
estamos muito animado para ter o oportunidade de trabalhar aqui mais.

O treinamento de Elder Sutton esta indo.  Esta semana Eu estava a ver
o necessidade de ajudar lhe com o conhecimento de pontes o mais
importante do Evangelho de Cristo e como ensinar especificamente
arrependimento e também oração e como deve ser para nossos
pesquisadores e também pessoalmente.  Mas depois  algumas boas
conversas tiramos algumas duvidas e melhoramos juntos.  Eu sinto que
nos precisamos ainda mais com o doutrina e vamos continuar com o
idioma por meio de somente falar português em todos os momentos.

Eu sou grato por o oportunidade que tenho para trabalhar com todos
estas sisteres. Eu tenho espectivas altas por esta transferência e
estamos pronto para ver mais milagres aqui.

Thought i would just toss my president letter in here today.  see how
much makes sence.

Com amor para todos vocês!! Boa sorte com os mudanças de casa!!!
estou animado para vocês!
Elder Hobson

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